코딩테스트 연습 - 순위 검색
["java backend junior pizza 150","python frontend senior chicken 210","python frontend senior chicken 150","cpp backend senior pizza 260","java backend junior chicken 80","python backend senior chicken 50"] ["java and backend and junior and pizza 100","pyt
제출 코드 (텍스트는 맨 아래에)
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
class Solution {
//경우의 수 다 만들어서 찾자
private final String[] language = {"cpp", "java", "python", "-"};
private final String[] type = {"backend", "frontend", "-"};
private final String[] career = {"junior", "senior", "-"};
private final String[] food = {"chicken", "pizza", "-"};
private final String wc = "-"; //wildCard
public int[] solution(String[] info, String[] query) {
int[] answer;
ArrayList<Integer> answerList = new ArrayList<>();
// db 초기화
HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>> db = new HashMap<>();
// score 입력
for (String oneInfo : info)
putScore(db, oneInfo.split(" "));
// score 오름차순으로 정렬
for (ArrayList<Integer> scoreList : db.values())
scoreList.sort((o1, o2) -> o1 - o2);
// 쿼리에 해당하는 인원수 체크
for (String oneQuery : query)
answerList.add(getCnt(db, oneQuery.replaceAll(" and", "").split(" ")));
// ArrayList -> array
answer = new int[answerList.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < answerList.size(); ++i)
answer[i] = answerList.get(i);
return answer;
* 쿼리에 해당하는 인원 수 세어보자
private int getCnt(HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>> db, String[] oneQuery) {
String key = oneQuery[0] + oneQuery[1] + oneQuery[2] + oneQuery[3];
int score = Integer.parseInt(oneQuery[4]);
int firstIdx = getFirstIdx(db.get(key), score);
if (firstIdx >= 0) {
return db.get(key).size() - firstIdx;
return 0;
* score 가 처음 등장하는 idx 찾기
* 없으면 -1 리턴
private int getFirstIdx(ArrayList<Integer> list, int score) {
// return Collections.binarySearch(list, score);
int idx = list.size() / 2;
int up = list.size() - 1;
int down = 0;
if (list.size() == 0) return -1;
while (true) {
if (up - down <= 1) {
if (list.get(down) >= score) return down;
if (list.get(up) >= score) return up;
return -1;
if (list.get(idx) >= score) {
up = idx;
} else {
down = idx;
idx = (down + up) / 2;
* info 하나 받고, 모든 조건의 key 에 값 넣기
private void putScore(HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>> db, String[] oneInfo) {
db.get(oneInfo[0] + oneInfo[1] + oneInfo[2] + oneInfo[3]).add(Integer.parseInt(oneInfo[4]));
db.get(wc + oneInfo[1] + oneInfo[2] + oneInfo[3]).add(Integer.parseInt(oneInfo[4]));
db.get(oneInfo[0] + wc + oneInfo[2] + oneInfo[3]).add(Integer.parseInt(oneInfo[4]));
db.get(oneInfo[0] + oneInfo[1] + wc + oneInfo[3]).add(Integer.parseInt(oneInfo[4]));
db.get(oneInfo[0] + oneInfo[1] + oneInfo[2] + wc).add(Integer.parseInt(oneInfo[4]));
db.get(wc + wc + oneInfo[2] + oneInfo[3]).add(Integer.parseInt(oneInfo[4]));
db.get(wc + oneInfo[1] + wc + oneInfo[3]).add(Integer.parseInt(oneInfo[4]));
db.get(wc + oneInfo[1] + oneInfo[2] + wc).add(Integer.parseInt(oneInfo[4]));
db.get(oneInfo[0] + wc + wc + oneInfo[3]).add(Integer.parseInt(oneInfo[4]));
db.get(oneInfo[0] + wc + oneInfo[2] + wc).add(Integer.parseInt(oneInfo[4]));
db.get(oneInfo[0] + oneInfo[1] + wc + wc).add(Integer.parseInt(oneInfo[4]));
db.get(oneInfo[0] + wc + wc + wc).add(Integer.parseInt(oneInfo[4]));
db.get(wc + oneInfo[1] + wc + wc).add(Integer.parseInt(oneInfo[4]));
db.get(wc + wc + oneInfo[2] + wc).add(Integer.parseInt(oneInfo[4]));
db.get(wc + wc + wc + oneInfo[3]).add(Integer.parseInt(oneInfo[4]));
db.get(wc + wc + wc + wc).add(Integer.parseInt(oneInfo[4]));
* 모든 경우의 수 set
* 4 3 3 3
private void setDb(HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>> db) {
for (String a : language)
for (String b : type)
for (String c : career)
for (String d : food)
db.put(a + b + c + d, new ArrayList<>());
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